Your dog’s oral hygiene is about as important as any other health concern. Neglected teeth and gums can become infectious and cause serious harm. Many people forget about this aspect of dog health, and it can be very easy to push aside. Lucky for you, we have some easy tips to follow for basic oral care.

Brush Their Teeth

You should brush your dog’s teeth with a special toothpaste made especially for pets. If you dog is uneasy, start by applying the toothpaste to his/her teeth with your finger to familiarize them with it. Then, use a toothbrush to gently brush the teeth, focusing on the canines and molars.

Let Them Chew!

One of the easiest ways to make sure your dog’s teeth are being cared for is to give them a dental treat. Greenies Grain Free Dog Dental Chew Treats are extremely effective and come in all different sizes. Not sure what chew is right for your dog? Come in to the store and we’d be happy to help you find something that best fits your bff!

Visit Your Vet

While these tips are basic guidelines to follow, it’s always best to consult your veterinarian for a regime that’s perfect for your dog. You can also bring your dog to the vet for a professional cleaning.

Signs Of Poor Dental Hygiene

Bleeding or inflamed gums

Pain while chewing

Bad breath

Loose teeth

Excessive drooling